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Pedagogy and education
Levin, V. I. (2014). On the 90th Anniversary of Birth. Eduard Alexandrovich Yakubaytis. Life and Fate. Pedagogy and education, 1, 76–87.
Levin, V. I. On the 90th Anniversary of Birth. Eduard Alexandrovich Yakubaytis. Life and FateAbstract: The article is devoted to the life and work of a leading Soviet and Latvian scientist and organizer of science Eduard Yakubaytis. The author of the article provides a rather detailed description of Yakubaytis’ scientific biography and describes each stage of his scientific work and achieved results. The author also describes his activity as a science administrator and a director of scientific research. Much attention is paid to the memories about personal qualities of Yakubaytis. The author analyzes his personal fate and meteoric career in the Soviet Union and the tragic ending of his career in a new independent Latvia. The author gives a full list of all published works by Eduard Yakubaytis and a brief list of literary sources about him and his sphere of activity. The article is based on the analysis of all published scientiic works by Eduard Yakubaytis including his articles, speeches and books. The author also uses unpublished memories about Yakubaytis shared by his coworkers as well as the author himself and the bibliographic register of Yakubaytis’ works published by the Latvian Academy of Sciences in 1984 on the occasion of his 60th anniversary. It is the first time in scientific literature that a researcher fully describes the scientific activity of the member of the Academy Eduard Yakubaytis (1924-2006) and his scientific and administrative activity, irst of all, establishing the Institution of Electronics and Computer Engineering of the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga and managing it for 30 years. The main conclusions are the following: 1. Eduard Yakubaytis was a leading scientist and one of the founders of the Soviet school of the automata theory; 2. He was also a leading science administrator and a director of many applied research projects carried out for the benefit of the country’s national economy. Keywords: Eduard Alexandrovich Yakubaytis, cybernetics, automata theory, data-processing networks, inite-state machine, automatic control, Institution of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Latvian Academy of Sciences, organization of science, scientist’s personality.
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