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Pedagogy and education

Golikova, G. A., Vafina, A. Kh. Value-Conscious Approach to Education (Human-Culture-Literature)

Abstract: Today the questions about formation of new strategies in education requires special attention and research including that from the point of view of preserving moral and spiritual values and his interaction with Culture as the main factor in the development of his spiritual and moral sphere. Crises in the modern society and especially the cultural crisis create the need for 􀁹inding solutions of this problem including maintenance of the value-conscious approach to education and productive formation of values in the structure of one’ personality starting from the early childhood. Axiological (value-conscious) approach is well studied in different spheres of science such as philosophy, esthetics, cultural research, psychology and teaching yet very little studied from the practical point of view. Classroom educational environment is the ‘platform’ where values can be created and developed to the full extent. The conceptual basis for the process of formation of personal values can be the Russia prose of the 20th century re􀁹lecting a special system of values (ideals and opinions) which can actually trigger an ef􀁹icient formation of a school student’s system of values in the classroom and teach him the basic human values such as home, family, labor, love, friendship, motherland and nature. In the Russian prose these categories are associated with the value-based idea and the Beauty category as the key factor in the formation of a soul of a growing person and identification of him as a man of Culture. ‘Adoption’ of value-based ideals (as S. Rubinshtein called it) in the process of the esthetic interaction between ‘a reader and an artwork’ (M. Bakhtin’s expression) is carried out through actualization of the subjective experience of a school student’s life activity by using the method of interpretation. The scientific novelty of the present article is in the description of the process of teaching literature at school taking into account possibilities of the value-conscious axiological approach to education. This approach involves at least the two stages: first of all, choosing the 􀁹iction that can teach a child human values and secondly, establishing a special methodological ‘route’ of teaching values which, in the author’s opinion, should be based on the idea of creating and developing the subjective (personal) experience of a child (I. Yakimanskaya’s expression) through his interaction with the value-conscious teaching element of a lesson.


culture, values, interiorization, esthetic dialogue, personal experience, dialogism, value-conscious polylogue, Russian prose, values of the Russian literature, the Beauty category.

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