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Trends and management
Hizrieva, S.S. (2014). Specific features of formation of the image of the Federal Republic of Brazil in the Russian
Federation. Trends and management, 2, 124–131.
Hizrieva, S.S. Specific features of formation of the image of the Federal Republic of Brazil in the Russian Federation.Abstract: In the early XXI century an important specificity of the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Brazil became the formation of a new positive image of the state, which was aimed at lowering the influence of the USA on the Brazilian politics. Relations with Russia are among the important landmarks of the Brazilian foreign policy. Brazil aims to bring forwards the inter-regional integration as an important specificity of the state strategy development and international strategic partnership, thus, achieving a new quality of the status in the political arena. The study involves systemic, structural-functional, cultural-civilization, comparative historical, comparative political approaches, deduction, induction, observation, analysis, synthesis, analogy. As a result the author draws a conclusion that in the early XXI century there is strengthening of the position of Brazil in the world, which also was influenced by the changes in the information about it in the mass media. Starting with this period the state revised its economical (departure from neo-liberalism) and political (left turn) directions. Keywords: management, trends, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Lula da Silva, BRICS, image, national strategy, branding.
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