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Administrative and municipal law

Kuznetsovà, O.A., Abramov, G.F. On the issue of preventive actions in the sphere of fighting corruption: efficiency, perspectives, topicality.

Abstract: The object of this study is the combination of norms of the Russian criminal, criminal procedural, tax, financial and other branches of law, regulating the protection of social relations, criminal responsibility for the corruption-aimed official crime, as well as the measures of special (criminological) prophylactics, which are aimed at abolition, weakening and neutralization of crime-generating factors, correction of persons, who may commit or have already committed such crimes. The article involves analysis of preventive measures in the sphere of fighting corruption with the consideration of the criteria influencing their efficiency and perspectives. The methodological basis involved the general research methods for corruption-aimed official crimes as social-legal manifestations. The work involved general scientific methods: deduction and induction, analysis and synthesis, as well as specific scientific methods of studies: comparative legal method, systemic structural method and statistical method. The scientific novelty involves scientific substantiation by the authors of the need to develop preventive measures in the sphere of fighting corruption crime. The authors attempt to reveal a number of topical aspects of preventive ( prophylactic) measures, providing substantiated statements and proposals for the improvement of legal norms for the minimization and abolition of corruption elements in the modern society.


corruption, preventive measures, fighting corruption, prophylactic activity, corrupt official, criminological prophylactics, legal norms, improvement, corruption elements, officials.

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