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Administrative and municipal law

Hakimov, T.Y. On some historical tendencies in the formation and development of the legislation on administrative legal regime of stay of foreign citizens in the territory of Russia.

Abstract: Administrative legal aspects of stay of foreign citizens in the territory of Russia traditionally draws attention of the modern researchers. However, the legal literature shows lack of works devoted to the comprehensive analysis of the relevant administrative legal regime. That is why, analysis of some tendencies of formation and development of the legislation on administrative legal regime of stay of foreigners in the territory of the Russian Federation is of interest for the researchers, since it allows to reveal the main historical development vectors of this administrative legal regime in Russia, to see the correlation between history and modern time, inevitably influencing the current legal accents in this sphere via the mechanisms of national legal socio-code and the national legal conscience. This article concerns the main stages of formation and development of the legislation on administrative legal regime of stay of foreigners in the territory of the Russian Federation, singling out some historic patterns of “pendulum-like” swings of vectors of the public administrative legal policy of the state in this sphere. In order to guarantee internal and external security, to protect its citizens from possible threats a modern sovereign state has a right to and is obliged to implement control over the foreign citizens staying in its territory in order to guarantee their compliance with the lawfulness and legal order. For this purpose the reasonable administrative legal regime for the stay of foreigners may be introduced, and it may be changed in accordance with the needs of the historical moment and the inherent interests of the state and its citizens.


administrative legal regime, administrative legal status, foreign citizens, territory of Russia, formation of the legislation, stay, foreigners in Russia, “closing the borders” of the state, regulation, relations.

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