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Administrative and municipal law

Haritonov, A.N. Review of the book by N.A. Kolomytsev, O.N. Kolomytseva “Modern problems of public control in Russia” Monograph. — St. Petersburg, Izdatelstvo Yuridicheskogo Instituta (St. Petersburg), 2014. — 220 p.

Abstract: It is noted in the monograph that basic constitutional human rights and freedoms require efficient implementation mechanisms, and without such mechanism their existence and legal enshrinement become a legal fiction. Efficient solution of the problems in the sphere of guaranteeing basic human rights and freedoms in Russia depends both at the efforts of the state and active participation of currently forming civil society institutions, assisting the public government bodies in resolving the most complicated problems in the sphere of basic human rights and freedoms. Topicality of the problem is also due to the fact that control is an inalienable part of any state at any stage of its historic development. Objective necessity of such an institution is clearly proven by the history of all types and forms of states. There is a clear dependency relation between sustainability and efficiency of public government and efficient control, including control by the general public. The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). It should also be noted that the authors insistently substantiate the thesis that the efficiency problem is a complicated one and it attracts attention of both scholars and practitioners. The studies of legislation and scholarly sources assisted formulation of the definition of efficiency of public control as achievement of its goals and purposes, de-facto positive results of its implementation within the mechanisms of state and state policy (p. 138). This definition is connected with various factors, and it deserves support. The broad interpretation of efficiency provided for singling out types of control. Taking this criterion into consideration is quite valuable for the implementation of public control in Russia.


control, general public, form, method, government, administration, people, individual, citizen, law.

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