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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Antonov V.F. Formation of the Doctrine of Good Tempers in Foreign Law Systems

Abstract: In the present article the history of occurrence and legislation development about good tempers in foreign laws and orders is investigated. The historical analysis shows that in the western countries under the influence of kind customs the professional and ethical standards of the behavior which have defined development of many modern legal institutes were generated. The acts defining functioning of modern legal systems are investigated. In research historical preconditions of formation of the doctrine of good tempers in foreign laws and orders are reflected. On an example of concrete acts seems influence of historically developed concept of good tempers on various branches of the legislation. It is represented in the conditions of political and economic instability good tempers are capable to render stabilizing influence on public and business life, to create steady regulators of social behavior in various law and order sphere.


the civil legislation, the democratic rights, the constitution, moral ethical standards, responsibility, legislative restrictions, the right, civil turn, legal principles.

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