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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Merkulova T.A. New Civil Code of Hungary

Abstract: The article is about the new Hungarian Civil Code, which entered into force on March 2014 and replaced the Civil Code of 1959 that has been in force for more than 50 years. The new Civil Code is a code of laws which introduces several new provisions and significant changes. For example, the very structure of the new Civil Code is different, it consists of 8 volumes, and it incorporates the provision of family law. Besides, the new Civil Code introduces some important changes in the field of comparative law. It contains provisions on corporate law that were regulated in a separate act. Now norms on corporate law are incorporated into the new Civil Code as a part of its volume on legal persons. An important provision of the new Civil Code is the allowance to business partners that they are free to agree on the rules, concerning the functioning and the operation of the company.


Civil Code, comparative law, corporate law, legal person, contracts, declaration of will, law of domestic relations, last will, law of property, business.

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