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Philosophy and Culture

Titarenko, I. N. Philosophy and Poetry in the Ancient Rome: Experience of Interaction

Abstract: As Hans-Georg Gadamer noted, certain interaction between poetry and philosophy has been existing since the moment of origin of the European philosophy. Noteworthy that not only the Classical Greek culture but also the culture of the Ancient Rome is of interest when analyzing the dialectic interaction between poery and philosophy. The Ancient Rome presented different forms of interaction between philosophy and poetry. These forms are the theoretical view on the interaction between philosophy and poetry as well as their practical interaction in the form of philosophy expressed in poetic forms and poetry enriched with philosophical ideas – this comes under review in the present article. By using the hermeneutic approach, the author shows how special features of the Ancient Roman culture influenced the peculiarities of understanding the interaction between philosophy and poetry by Ancient Roman philosophers. Noteworthy that the author conducts the comparative study of the philosophical teachings of Philodemus, Cicero and Seneca as well as the most important ideas in the poetry of Lucretius, Vergil, Horatius and PubliusOvidiusNaso. The author of the article proves the assumption that the practical attitude of Romans towards philosophy emphasized anthropological, ethical and social-political ideas in poetry. On the other hand, poetry was viewed as a method of up-bringing and education first of all. The combination of these tendencies caused the confluence of the philosophical idea and poetic form in the Ancient Rome.


philosophy, poetry, Ancient Rome, interaction, morals, education, practicalism, eclecticism, stoicism, Epicureanism.

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