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Police activity

Eliseev, A.V. Organization of interaction in the sphere of administrative responsibility of owners (keepers) of transportation vehicles for the offences in the sphere of road traffi c, revealed by the technical means operated in automatic mode.

Abstract: The road traffi c administrative offences hold leading positions in the administrative practice involving judicial and non-judicial procedures. It may be duet to the fact that the total length of roads in Russia is 50 000 – 500 000 kilometers according to various sources. However, Russia has 111th rank in the global road quality register, which is almost at the very bottom of the register. As of January 1, 2013 there were 55 000 000 registered cars, and among them there is about 39 000 000 passenger cars. The methodological basis for the scientifi c article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The growth is about 15 000 000 units compared to 2004. Over 2 000 000 people got their drivers’ licenses in 2012, and about 65 000 000 road traffi c administrative offences were registered in 2012 involving 43 000 000 offenders. In 7 months of 2013 there were 104 894 road traffi c accidents, 13 234 people died and 134 578 people were injured. 93 180 traffi c accidents took place at the fault of the drivers, 6932 of these drivers were drunk. 12 875 accidents took place due to the fault of pedestrians. The systems for calculating the speed of transportation vehicles fi rst appeared in 1950s. In 1990s they were used by the police in over 30 states.


transportation, road police, police, offence, fi xation, video, interaction, control, police, elements.

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