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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Glinchikova, E. V. (2014). Value and Almightness. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 6, 620–630.
Glinchikova, E. V. Value and AlmightnessAbstract: In the present article the author highlights the problem of almightiness as an ideal state of mind and absolute freedom. Almightness is viewed from the two points of view: from the point of view of possessing (i.e. exploitation of things) and from the point of view of relations (i.e. unity with the world and God). In both causes almightiness is related to one’s value. Value is the very structure of consciousness that defines the paradigm of relations of human with himself and the other world. This structure can be presented in the form of functioning laws, moral laws, taboo and in the form of relations with the divine. Inthelattercasethe structure itself always remains non-continuous and open leaving the opportunity to create the value together with God, i.e. in the space of almightiness. Withinthegivencontexttheauthordiscusses the theories of Self formation and linguistic researches relating to the period of language formation. Today this is the first attempt in philosophical anthropology to look at human from the point of view of his almightiness. The author base her conclusions on psychological and linguistic research data. In the present article the author presents the platform for a new approach to human studies. Keywords: significance, almighty, all possibilities, Self, God, reflection, mask, emotion, sign, subject.
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