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Philology: scientific researches

Ugrin, I. M. The Phenomenon of Daniil Andreev

Abstract: The article is devoted to the phenomenon of Daniil Andreev, a genius Russian poet, writer and philosopher. Andreev’s creative works are a significant yet unique phenomenon in the Russian culture. On the one hand, Daniil Andreev continued the tradition of the Silver Age. On the other hand, he discovered new paths of the development of philosophy and culture and offered new and sometimes unexpected ideas. His creative works were born at the confluence of art, philosophy and religion. His works had the element of research, too. Andreev introduced his own concept of history and used that concept for analyzing historical process, first of all, in respect of the Russian reality. However, it is not so easy to understand Andreev’s views because his works are usually based on the profound and versatile spiritual experience of the poet. Unfortunately, modern science does not have the methods to clarify the nature of the poet’s experience but in the course of personal ‘vivification’ we can understand the motives that moved the poet. Many things that Daniil Andreev touched upon in his works are still rather unknown and unfamiliar for the majority of people. However, this does not mean at all that the poet just made it up for certain purposes. Such unfamiliarity makes his works especially interesting and attracts attention to Daniil Andreev’s heritage. Daniil Andreev managed to combine the independence and the freedom of the thought with the unconditional faith and true religiosity.


transpersonal, vivification, trans-physics, meta-history, culture, ghost-seer, Russian philosophy, religiosity, utopia, new human.

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