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History magazine - researches

E. K. Sysoeva The Preparation of the Educational  System’s Reform of 1864:  Power and Society

Abstract: The article considers the preparation at the end of the 1850s – beginning of the 1860s of the Russian educational system reform (1864). This topic permits to address the wider question of the relationship between state authorities and society. The creation of new legislature on comprehensive schooling occurred in the context of a general social rise. In the preparative work of this reform many renowned Russian pedagogues were called upon, with many projects, for the first time in Russian lawmaking, being published in open press and publicly discussed. The author points to several opinion changes of government representatives on the role of public participation in popular education and in their relationship towards the activity of the liberal opposition. As the government dealt with the wave of public agitation, caused by the promulgation of the Peasant Emancipation Manifesto of 19th February 1861, its loyalty to public opinion diminished. This was reflected in the development process of the final version of the Provisions on primary schools and secondary educational institutions, and gave the reform the sense of a compromise.


culture of the post-reform period, system of education, government education policy, comprehensive school, reform, socio-pedagogical thought, education community, liberal opposition, power and society, history.

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