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Culture and Art
Smirnov, S. A. (2014). The Structure of the Autopoiesis Act. Culture and Art, 2, 171–182.
Smirnov, S. A. The Structure of the Autopoiesis ActAbstract: The article is devoted to the description of the phenomenon of a poetic expression as a special object action. For this purpose the author offers a new definition of the structure of poetical works as the autopoiesis act. Based on the creative work of Osip Mandelstam (in particular, his poems and ‘Conversation about Dante’) the researcher provides an analysis of the phenomenon of the poetical composition. The author offers a definition of autopoiesis as a model the entire act of the poetical composition is based on. The autopoiesis act itself is described by the researcher as an object action. The article was written at the confluence of poetics and anthropology. Research methodology is based on the introduction of terms from poetic anthropology as a branch of human philosophy into cultural practices of creating literary texts. The research is based on the principles and terms adopted from anthropology as an anthropopractice, in particular, understanding of the autopoiesis act as an object action aimed at generation and transformation of human based on creating an artwork. The novelty of research is attributed to the introduction of the model of autopoiesis based on which the author analyzes the phenomenon of a poetical composition from the point of view of a particular cultural practice and object action. For the first time the author offers the definition and description of the structure of the autopoiesis act. The research article was written within the framework of a new direction of interdisciplinary research – anthropopoetics that involve research and description of arts as anthropopractices of human transformation. Keywords: autopoiesis, structure of the autopoiesis act, anthropology of autopoiesis, creative act, object action, generative model, anthropopractice, ontology of poiesis, energy of the autopoiesis act, inner form.
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