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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Goncharuk, E. A. (2014). The Balance of Suffering and Guilt Nikolay Berdyaev’s Heritage. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 5, 503–507.
Goncharuk, E. A. The Balance of Suffering and Guilt Nikolay Berdyaev’s HeritageAbstract: The author of the article analyzes the relation between suffering and guilt in Nikolay Berdyaev’s philosophical legacy. The Russian philosopher viewed the feeling of guilt from different sides. He show that suffering was an inevitable ‘companion’ of human life. Therefore he studied the theory of suffering from the point of view of the philosophical understanding of human. At the same time, Berdyaev positioned himself as a philosopher. According to Berdyaev, personality is developed in a society. A person can struggle for independence and become free. At the same time, an individual can also remain a slave. The author of the present article also discusses the causes and reasons of suffering and methods of dealing with suffering. These topics have different interpretations in Stoicism, Buddhism and Christianity. The author of the article uses the historical method and carries out a comparative analysis of Berdyaev’s and modern interpretations of suffering. Noteworthy that the modern society denies suffering as a negative feeling. The novelty of the article is in studying the relation between guilt and suffering. The author notes that there is the feeling of guilt and the guilt complex. The suffering is also related to masochism and the author traces back the connection between sadism and masochism. The author also views the psychological paradox when an individual tries to aggravate his suffering in order to suffer less. Further the author talks about the feeling of guilt, disease of human existence, human mind and suffering of the innocent. Keywords: Buddhism, Stoicism, Christianity, suffering, personality, philosophy, psychology, sadism, masochism, guilt.
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