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International Law and International Organizations

Kostenko, N.I. Once again on the issues of defi nition and elements of an international crime

Abstract: The goal of this article is to defi ne international crime taking into consideration the international treaty: the Statute of the International Criminal Court. The author aims to analyze doctrinal developments in the sphere of defi nition of an international crime. As an immediate targets in order to attain this goal, the author has attempted to analyze doctrinal developments regarding defi nition of international crime and international legal precedents in the sphere of international criminal law, allowing to state that currently international criminal law is a formed and comprehensive legal system for fi ghting international crime. Analysis shows that strengthening the fi ght against international crime is fundamental for the guarantees of sustainable peace and effi cient protection of human rights, sustainable economic progress and development. The methodological basis for this article was formed with the dialectic cognition method with the application of the principles of development, comprehensive and systemic character. The article involves general scientifi c and special legal methods: comparative, systemic structural, theoretical methodological, etc. The article provides development for the theoretical fundamentals for the formation of the defi nition of an international crime. The author makes a conclusion that international crimes form a type of international offence, encroaching upon the very fundamentals of the international community, causing grave damage to it and violations of basic principles and norms of international law, guaranteeing global safety and security, protection of human rights and vital values, and crucial interests of the international community as a whole, thus being dangerous to the very human civilization.


international crime, fundamentals of international relations, classifi cation of international crimes, elements of an international crime, defi nition of an international crime, Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal, Draft Code of Crimes, the International Law Commission, the International Criminal Court, international community.

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