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Administrative and municipal law

Admiralova, I.A. Administrative activity of the police and guarantees of basic human rights and freedoms.

Abstract: The review shows definition and contents of administrative activity of the police, showing the place of this activities in the matters of implementation of the main directions of the police work. The article pays attention to the characteristic features of administrative activity, allowing to identify it within the law-enforcement activities of the police. Based upon the generalization of the practice of legal regulation of administrative police activities, it is offered to adopt a Federal Law “On Administrative Activity of the Police”. This law should provide for the main principles, forms and methods for the implementation of the said activity in the sphere of internal affairs. In addition, the said Federal Law shall allow to abolish regulation of the number of important matters in the work of the police involving human rights issues by institutional regulations. The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The issue of the improvement of the modern mechanism of administrative legal regulation of various aspects of public administration is especially topical nowadays. That is why, it is impossible to imagine the activities of state government and administration bodies, being aimed at guaranteeing the public safety and protection of public order, protection and defense of basic human rights and freedoms, without regulative and protective qualities of administrative law Administrative law is a unique branch of law within the system of Russian law. It is a direction for the legal regulation, which allowed for bringing together the most varied prescriptions, allowing for flexible and systemic influences upon various social relations no matter where such relations are formed. In spite of the universality of the subjects of administrative legal regulation, the legal influence upon the public relation is nevertheless implemented by prescriptions of various character.


police, rights, freedoms, protection, defense, the MIA, policeman, violation, form, method.

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