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International relations

Spiridonov, V.V. Financial and economic reasons for the political crisis in Ukraine. A glance through the prism of analysis of the state banking system.

Abstract: At the verge of 2013–2014 in Ukraine there was a wave of protest, which was caused by the wish for the social and economic changes within the state, and it was mostly aimed against the ruling elite. The society broke in two opposing groups: one of the groups was in favor of integration with the European Union, while the other one was for closer cooperation with Russia. The result of the strife in Ukraine was the downfall of the government including the President and the Government itself. Due to the above the financial situation in Ukraine became much worse, and the inflation expectations grew. The grave domestic political crisis grew into a serious foreign political opposition, and Russia was involved in it as an important geopolitical partner of Ukraine. This article contains an overview and analysis of some factors of development of the financial sphere and banking system in Ukraine. The author provides overview and analysis of the activities of the National Bank of Ukraine as well as the second-tier banks. The author defines the directions for the bank activities and their territorial connections. The author also made an attempt to connect the dynamics of these factors (namely, amounts and dynamics of credit operations and securities operations) and the ongoing negative political events.


international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Ukraine, political instability, diplomacy, economics, finances, security, values.

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