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International relations

Borodinov, E.N. Short- term forecast for the development of the political situation in Ukraine.

Abstract: In spite of the fact that Maidan 2.0 de facto has achieved its goal, and President Yanykovych was overthrown, it did not bring long-awaited stability and normalization of the situation in the state. Due to the chaotic domestic policy of the leaders of the state, the political tension in Ukraine has strengthened, and territorial integrity is broken. The state is at the verge of the civil war, economic catastrophe further loss of integrity and loss of sovereignty. That is why the analysis of the ongoing political processes in Ukraine becomes so topical and the search for the rapture lines among the political elites and the people become so important. It is already possible to draw the line of territorial rapture within the state. Historically, from the start of its independence the Ukraine was divided into the East and the West. Firstly, it is due to the historical and cultural factors. The Western parts of Ukraine were once within the Rzeczpospolita Polska, and then Austro-Hungary, such as Lvov, Ivano-Frankovsk and Ternopol regions. It resulted in an altogether different civilization type. At the same time some South-Eastern regions joined Ukraine rather recently. Secondly, this contradiction is strengthened by the fact that all of the industrial objects are targeted at the Russian market, which is due to the USSR economic model, economic zoning, since every region of the Soviet Union produced certain products for the entire domestic market. In the years of Ukrainian independence the industry was never retargeted for other markets. Thirdly, one of the factors for the territorial rapture involves cultural and relative ties. In the East of Ukraine there are traditionally closer links and relative ties with Russia, and, more specifically, with its bordering territories, that is why, any worsening of the relations with Russia are regarded as painful.


international relations, foreign politics, Russia, Ukraine, political instability, political regime, state, nation, security, conflict.

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