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International relations
Bocharnikov, I.V. (2014). The Ukrainian crisis as the consequence of the EU and the NATO policy on the formation of the strategic belt around
Russia. International relations, 3, 436–445.
Bocharnikov, I.V. The Ukrainian crisis as the consequence of the EU and the NATO policy on the formation of the strategic belt around Russia.Abstract: The Ukrainian crisis, which probably did not yet culminate, was the manifestation of the highest point of the contradictions between Russia and the Western states. The policy of constraining, circling, weakening of Russia, which is known for many centuries, found its peak in the early XXI century. The Maidan events in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv played the role of the bifurcation point, defining the open confrontation relations between Russia and the USA, taking into account the de-facto protectorate of the USA over the Europe, as well as relations between Russia and Europe. It is more than obvious, that neither the US and the NATO, nor the EU needs Ukraine as such, with its radically polarized 40 million population, stagnation economy and the level of corruption beyond any index. They are also not interested in facilitation of democratic values and guarantees of basic human rights and freedoms in this country. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, Ukraine, riot, conflict, the USA, the NATO, security.
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