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International relations
Raiklin, E.I. (2014). The Ukrainian “pendulum”. International relations, 2, 209–212.
Raiklin, E.I. The Ukrainian “pendulum”Abstract: The goal of this article is to evaluate the events, which took place in November-December of 2013 in Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine, and which were called the Euromaidan. Many scientists had some grounds to point out the similarities between the December manifestations in the main maidan of Ukraine and the analogous events, which took place at the same place at the time of the Orange Revolution – the state insurrection, which brought to power Victor Yushchenko, the pro-Western leader, who was supporting the idea of Ukraine entering the NATO and the EU as soon as possible. Nevertheless, in addition to obvious similarities, there are some differences and specific features, which should be taken into account in the analysis of the Euromaidan as a social and political event. The methodology of studies is based upon the systemic, comparative economic and comparative historic approach, analysis, synthesis and generalization methods. The main conclusion of the studies is however much the new opposition stays at the Euromaidan, the destiny of Ukraine, both well-provided for and not, Western and Eastern Ukraine shall directly depend upon the situation in Russia. While Russia remains oligarchic and corrupt and socially divided state, socially and geographically divided Ukraine shall sail the waves of uncertainty searching for a union. Keywords: international relations, politics, Ukraine, color revolutions, security, the Euromaidan, opposition, power, conflict, Russia
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