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International relations

Zhuravel, V.P. Topicali issues of national security guarantees in the Northern Caucasus (based upon the example of the Republic of Dagestan)

Abstract: The article contains an attempt to analyze the processes in Dagestan, which is an important region in the Northen Caucasus, from the standpoint of the support of the national security of the Russian Federation. As a conclusion, the author offers a complex of measures against terrorism, as well as some proposals for the improvement of the social, economic and spiritual spheres of the Republic of Dagestan. In the last two decades the Northern Caucasus has became the most complicated and troubled region in the Russian Federation from the standpoint of social and economic situation, state administration and resolution of various ethnic-national, religious, territorial and other contradictions and conflicts, guarantees of national security. The President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin pointed out the tensions in the national republics of the Northern Caucasus, and he noted that the weakening and the falling apart of the united statehood in the early 1990s caused difficult consequences, not to say bloody conflicts, in the Caucasus. There was a civil war in some regions. The international terrorists used this situation for the aggression against Russia and the people of the Caucasus. The terror of the fighters caused stream of refugees and transferred persons. Economics and the social structure have degraded, and in some Republic it was simply destroyed.


international relations, politics, Russia, the Northern Caucasus, Dagestan, fighting terrorism, modernization, conflict, federal power, state.

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