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International relations
Feldman, P.Y. (2014). Geopolitical clientism in the international relations: strategy and tactics of the West. International relations, 2, 189–193.
Feldman, P.Y. Geopolitical clientism in the international relations: strategy and tactics of the WestAbstract: The state insurrection which took place in the Ukraine in the February of 2014 once again has disrupted the balance of political forces in the Eastern Europe. The election of the new President of Ukraine, who is oriented towards the West, and the formation of the political system according to the same principle may lead to the situation when the European Union shall be directly bordering Russia in the Bryansk, Kursk, Belgorod, Voronezh and Rostov regions of the Russian Federation. From the point of view of the military strategy the step-by-step lasting spread of the zone of influence of the West, its ideology and values may be regarded as a pragmatic policy, which is aimed at the global dominance of the liberal American-European civilization. For the efficient implementation of this idea a whole complex of political, economic and information instruments of influence on the developing states is being employed. This strategy may be characterized as geopolitical clientism, which is aiming at the formation of the foreign control over the national elites and key institutions of the civil society of any nation-state. Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, the USA, geopolitics, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, security, values.
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