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Philosophy and Culture

Ismailov, N. O. Non-Violence as a Post-Violence Stage of Social Justice

Abstract: The article is devoted to the main ideas of the ethics of non-violence offered by a famous modern philosopher Abdusalam Huseynov. Ethics of non-violence are being viewed in terms of the issue of social justice. The author of the present article views the terms ‘violence’ and ‘non-violence’ in comparison with the term ‘justice’. Ethics of nonviolence are viewed as an attempt to implement the principles of justice in the life of the modern society. Definition of justice as it usually appears in the ethics of non-violence is also analyzed. According to the author, ethics of non-violence are the reflection of modern realities. Therefore the author tries to underline the main ideas of ethics of non-violence that can be used when implementing the principles of justice in the modern society. The author studies ethics of non-violence in terms of the problems of social justice and from the point of view of the unity of all spheres of social life as well as interconnection and interdependence of social needs, interests and values. Abdusalam Huseynov’s ethics of non-violence are quite an interesting and original concept that reflects views and desires of particular social layers and groups. Non-violence is seen as a post-violence stage in the fight for social justice. According to the author, it is necessary to carry out a better research and analysis of the main provisions of ethics of non-violence with reference to today’s and future social realities.


justice, freedom, equality, violence, non-violence, morals, ethics, good, evil.

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