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Philosophy and Culture
Popov E. A. (2014). Modern Ethnic Social Studies and the Problems of Studying Ethno-National Peculiarities of Social Relations and Cultures. Philosophy and Culture, 5, 711–718.
Popov E. A. Modern Ethnic Social Studies and the Problems of Studying Ethno-National Peculiarities of Social Relations and CulturesAbstract: The article is devoted to the role and place of modern ethnic social studies in wide-ranging studies of ethnonational issues touching upon a wide circle of social relations and related to the cultural development. The author of the article underlines the ‘situation’ faced by ethnic social studies due to interdisciplinary interaction between different social and humanitarian sciences and branches of social studies. The author emphasizes the issues of modern ethnic social studies as a branch of general social studies because ethnic issues have been growing more important in different countries of the world and affect practically everybody. The main methodological approach used by the author is the interdisciplinary approach that allows to present issues of ethnic social studies in terms of modern social and humanitarian sciences. The scientific novelty of the research is in the substantiation of the need for studying not only various social relations but also socio-cultural issues within the framework of ethic social research. The author also shows the heuristic opportunities of ethnic social studies when analyzing such socio-cultural factors as ethnicity and mentality as well as their influence on the development of a wide circle of social phenomena. Keywords: culture, society, ethnic social studies, ethnicity, polyethnicity, social studies, social relations, ethno-national peculiarities, polyethnic, society, mentality.
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