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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Voronin M.V. Role of Primary Social Relations and its System Cooperation in the Comparative Legal Analysis

Abstract: The target of research is a system approach in the comparative analysis. The subject of the research is primary social relations and its system cooperation in comparative analysis. The primary social relations are the basis of the system of law of different legal systems and its studying may help to enlarge the comparative legal research, increase its representativeness and elicit genesis of system connections and cooperation of different legal systems. It will encourage the increase of the effectiveness of legal regulation and overcoming the insularity of legislative evaluation. The main issue in the methodologies of the research is methodological instruments of the common theory of systems based on the paradigm of common system of the world around. The source of methodological provision of the article is a system approach to research of law, which presume its apprehension in the context of structure, content and level aspects of cognition of law.


models of cooperation, law, methodology, comparative law, comparative legal analysis, primary social relations, social relations, cooperation, system, private legal relations.

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