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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Ulyanov A.V. Balance of Private and Public Interests as Ideal of Law in the System of Constitutional Regulation

Abstract: This article covers such important problem of jurisprudence as correlation of private interests and public interests in the legal system. On the basis of analysis of law practice and constructs of legal theory author considers the category of balance with reference to private and public interests. The author argues his own novel attitude that the balance must be regarded as ideal model in legal system. It is argued that public interests take materially priority over private interests in keeping with this approach. It discusses the author’s conclusion, under which this paradigm may be adapted to resolution of the collision of private and public interests within the particular legal relationship. The article has both theoretical and practical importance and is meant for anyone interested in problems of legal science.


legal system, ideal of law, private interest, public interest, balance of interests, legal relationship, constitution, legal framework, juridical policy.

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