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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Abuzyarova N.A. Constitutional Principles of the Organization of Work – the Right to Work, Decent Work, Decent Wages

Abstract: This work analyzes the series concept and essence of the right to work, decent work, decent wages and the need for their constitulization. In accordance with the author's intention and with regard to the above principles of work organization consistently analyzed the general condition and disadvantages of wages in Russia because wages are still under some turbulence (unjustified super differentiation of wage, low wages of most workers and the minimum wage). According to the author’s position a democratic, economic and socio-political development of the society urgently require transition from identifying the entity's contents wages as a concept, definition of the situation and the difficulty to change the situation in the field of wage in accordance with Sec. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


right to work, decent work, decent wages, the average wage, differentiation of wages, wages.

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