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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Sokolova A.A. Principles of Legal State in Constitutional Models of Post-Soviet States: Issues of Theoretical Reconstruction

Abstract: Actualization of the issue of theoretical reconstruction of post-Soviet states’ Constitutions and identification of theoretical deformations in the embodiment of the principles of a legal state in constitutional models of post-Soviet states are made in the article. Comparative analysis of the texts of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus and the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania – two neighboring states that have a common history within the area of the Great Lithuanian Principality, geographical vicinity and similar folk traditions – is represented by the author. The article is devoted to justification of the process of implementation of a theoretical construction of a legal state into daily reality by factors of economic, ideological and political character. Questioning the socialization of constitutional norms in the public consciousness and the behavior of all-level officials and ordinary citizens; transformation of constitutional ideals and values into a ‘lifestyle’ are researched by the author. The article represents an interdisciplinary research based on author’s works in the field of legal theory and legal sociology. The article utilizes the methods of comparative legal analysis and legal hermeneutics. In the end the author reaches the conclusion that the Belarusian constitutional model of a legal state contains internal contradictions and shortcomings which, in addition to negative consequences for the practical implementation of the model of a legal state, ‘force’ the representatives of legal science to justify the ‘distortions’ of the constitutional mechanism. First of all, these are the flaws related to the construction of branches of power, the absence of a proper system of checks and balances, a strengthened position of presidential power at the expense of a legislative one and the limited powers of the Constitutional Court. The article presents a range of various views on ways of modernization of the Constitution and lays down an assertion on the admissibility of miscellaneous ways of constitutional reconstruction under the main condition – the formation of a public sphere for a dialogue of equal actors – the state and the civil society who are jointly responsible for the ‘destiny’ of the constitution.


socialization of constitutional norms, legal state model, principle of the rule of law, principle of separation of powers, public sphere, legal awareness, delegated legislation, legislative initiative, public sphere actors.

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