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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Troitskaya A.A. Participation of Constitutional Control Bodies in the Process of Changes to the Constitution: Comparative Aspect

Abstract: The article analyzes different methods of amendment of constitutional provisions which correlates to textual amendments and amendments made by the other means (including interpretation of constitutional provisions and adoption of current legislation) and necessity to guarantee the ideas of sovereignty and constitutionalism. The goal of the constitutional control bodies, concerned determination of the limits of legislative amendment, is researched on the basis of judicial practice of constitutional courts and supreme courts of different countries. The comparative method allowed to elicit different ways to solve the problem of constitutional control bodies’ role as subjects of constitutional amendment process is used in the article. The author proves the more significant role of constitutional control bodies, including Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, in evaluation of justifiableness of amendments to the fundamental law of the state made by the other subjects of the constitutional legal relations and more detailed argumentations in such cases that casual or abstract interpretation of the constitutional control body is resulted in changes of informative components of constitutional provisions.


amendment to the Constitution, constitutionalism, sovereignty, constitutional control, limits of constitutional amendments, immutable provisions, the basic constitutional structure, Constitutional Court, power limits, interpretation.

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