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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Kapustin A.Y. Constitutional Priorities of the Law of Interstate Integration

Abstract: Article is devoted to the analysis of features of formation of international legal bases of the Euroasian economic integration. As a basic point concept the evolution of treaty and legal base of the Customs union which is now an international legal basis of activity of the Single economic space is considered. Taking into account the European and world experience the article attempts to define the legal nature of future basic elements of legal system of the Euroasian economic union. The main constitutional priorities of Russia in formation of the concept of legal system of the Euroasian economic union reveal.


Constitutional priorities, the legal base of the Customs Union and the Single economic space, Eurasian economic Union, the concept of the Eurasian Foundation agreement, the Declaration of the Eurasian economic integration 2011, the international-legal principles of the Eurasian integration, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Eurasian concept of supranationality.

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