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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Morozov P.E. Influence of the International Labour Organization Conception of Decent Work on Afghanistan Labour Legislation Development

Abstract: The article is devoted to the acute problems of influence on Afghanistan legislation of the International Labour Organization program of decent work. The author highlights that significant changes in Afghanistan labour law influenced by the International Labour Organization conception of decent work are realized first of all in legal regulation of working time and labour protection. It is mentioned that difficulties of International Labour Organization conception of decent work realization in Afghanistan are determined by the necessity of reformation of labour legislation on the one hand and economic determination of legal regulation on the other hand. Labour law reform in the country is a result of implementation of international labour standards. The methodology of research includes follow levels: philosophical, general scientific and branch method, which involve the comparative legal method as a basic. Scientific novelty of the article is concluded in analysis of changes in labour legislation of Afghanistan on the base of the International Labour Organization conception of decent work was made in new scientific level. Analysis of current Afghanistan labour legislation changes allows to conclude that the realization of the International Labour Organization conception of decent work led to significant changes first of all in legal regulation of working time and labour protection, legal status of employees has been enlarged by addition of new group of rights and guaranties of its realization, protection function of labour law of Afghanistan has been enhanced, the significant influence of Labour Code of the Russian Federation is appeared in some aspects of legal regulation.


conception of decent work, International Labour Organization, labour legislation of Afghanistan, employer. Employee, working time, labour protection, Law on Labour, reform, social protection.

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