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Philosophy and Culture
Apresyan, R. G. (2014). Universalization of Statements in the Course of Formation of Moral Thinking. Philosophy and Culture, 4, 607–617.
Apresyan, R. G. Universalization of Statements in the Course of Formation of Moral ThinkingAbstract: Moral statements always have a universal or generalized meaning this way or another. They are universal at least because these statements are based on standard generalizations in accordance with values that are typical for particular cultural environment. The level of universality of thinking including moral thinking develops historically and increases as the abilities for generalization and abstracting grow. The starting point in abstracting is the understanding of particular situations and communications, decision making process and evaluations. Based on the conceptual reconstruction of particular episodes from Homer’s poems the author of the article analyzes different forms of generalization made on the basis of a concrete situation. Such generalization is usually performed by the means of the following: 1) sayings that participants of particular situations address to one another; 2) advise given by other people regarding the situation; 3) participants comparing their goals and desires with the opinions of ‘imaginary others’ including ‘generalized’ and ‘sacral’ figures; 4) speech of a poet who expresses his opinion ‘above the situation’ and ‘above personalities’; 5) comparison of decisions made in particular situations with universal values; 6) expression of general sentences made on the basis of opinions that arise in a particular situation. Keywords: morals, universality, universalism, moral genealogy, universalization of valuable statements, ways of universalization, mutuality, communication, Homer, epos.
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