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Philosophy and Culture

Drikker, A. S. Historical Perspective and the Problem of National Self-Identification

Abstract: Specific feature of Russian history is the regular genesis of single-type systemic crises. In order to brake the vicious circle and to realize actual potentials it is necessary, first of all, to understand the deep inside reasons of this process. Sources should be found in both ancient and modern history of Russia that provides enough material for analysis and search for better solutions of eternal problem, self-identification being the central problem here. Many century history of this problem is described as the result of the strongest West influence and painful opposition to it. This inferiority complex is most clearly found out at the level of values. The way to self-affirmation in the global world (also as well as in feudal) is the search for values and goals which would be harmonic for our culture instead of the fashionable purposes and values.


self-identification, evolution, value, an inferiority complex, reforms, Westerners, Slavophiles, adaptability, history, elite.

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