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Police activity
Prokofiev, K.G. (2014). Role of the police in implementation of administrative responsibility for the violation of the
legislation on gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, walks and picketing. Police activity, 2, 203–220.
Prokofiev, K.G. Role of the police in implementation of administrative responsibility for the violation of the legislation on gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, walks and picketing.Abstract: Development of the democratic principles and the institution of the rule of the people takes place in a complicated and contradictory situation. That is why the state needs to take maximum efforts in order to guarantee legal order and protection of the rights of citizens when holding public political events. In the conditions of political instability the separatist and extremism tendencies are growing in Russia. That is why the formation of additional legal and organizational mechanisms for minimizing the defects in the development of the Russian political system is very topical. The right to organize, hold and participate in gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, walks and picketing presents a universal democratic and constitutional value. It allows the citizens and their associations to take part in the political life of the state, to inform government of their needs and to protect their interests within the wide scope of social problems. The methodological basis for the scientifi c article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). The right to the free peaceful gatherings is a generally recognized democratic value, and it needs special protection, since it allows to form and express opinions and needs of various political forces and social groups forming the necessary prerequisites for the feedback from the people and their associations to the institutions of public government. That is why even taking into consideration the obvious risks involved in the implementation of this right, which become even more possible when the organizers of the public event fail to fulfi ll their duties, and in spite of the preventive needs the state should not introduce sanctions for the harm caused by the participants of the public event, which would obviously make an organizer bear civil law responsibility for acts of other people no matter whether his guilt were involved in causing harm. Keywords: meetings, walk, police, legal order, policeman, implementation, picketing, coercion, punishment, offence.
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