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Police activity
Kupreev, S.S. (2014). Contents, forms and methods of administrative police activities. Police activity, 2, 191–202.
Kupreev, S.S. Contents, forms and methods of administrative police activities.Abstract: The article is devoted to the studies of the contents, forms and methods of administrative activities of the police. Based upon the general theoretical bases of the administrative activities of the executive bodies and contents of the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating the police activities the author analyzes the place of administrative activities among other spheres of police activities, as well as the structure of administrative police activities, then the author provides a defi nition for the administrative activities of the police. Special attention is paid in the article to the understanding of the administrative acts as a form of administrative activity, as well as to the methods of administrative police activities. The study, which is presented in the article is based upon the studies of the general theoretical bases of administrative legal science, as well as the provisions of the legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating police activities. In the process of preparing the article the author used historical and comparative methods of studies. Scientifi c novelty of the materials presented in the article is due to the defi ning the contents, structure and defi nition of administrative activities of the police, correlation between administrative procedural and administrative jurisdictional activities, clarifi cation of the contents of forms and methods of administrative police activities. The article contains the author’s defi nition of the administrative activities of the police, which includes all the main components and specifi c features of this type of activity. Keywords: police, administrative, administrative procedure, administrative jurisdiction, activity, administrative function, internal organizational, characteristics, forms, methods.
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