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Police activity
Panshin, D.L., Dresvyannikova, E.A. (2014). Problems of confl ict management in the divisions of the Road Police Inspection of Russia. Police activity, 2, 172–178.
Panshin, D.L., Dresvyannikova, E.A. Problems of confl ict management in the divisions of the Road Police Inspection of Russia.Abstract: The object of studies includes the current situation regarding violation of lawfulness among the Road Police Inspection offi cers in Russia. Causes and conditions facilitating appearance of the confl ict situations among the employees of the divisions of the Road Police Inspection, which in their combination cause professional burn-out of the staff. The professional personality deformation of an offi cers, distortion of his motivation for the lawful behavior causes confl icts among the staff, as well as the confl icts between heads of divisions and the staff. The authors studied and proposed the main directions for the activities of the heads of the Road police divisions on confl ict management, as well as their prophylactics. The goals and procedure for the formation of a professional staff in the Road police are discussed. The method of study was polling among the heads of the divisions of the Road Police and the staff regarding anxiety and confl ict-generating factors. Later via comparative and dialectic methods the authors analyzed the result s of polling and they made conclusions. The authors discuss the main directions for the activities of the leaders of the Road Police on confl ict management and prophylactics. Firstly, every head of the department or division should have individual educational work with his staff, study and understand specifi c features of the character of his employees. In addition to consideration of characters of individual employees, the due attention should be paid to the general qualities within a certain group of staff. Secondly, formation of an optimum atmosphere in a group depends on the good-faith implementation of obligations by the staff, and for this purpose the heads of divisions should professionally distribute functional obligations among the staff. Thirdly, every head of a division should learn to analyze a confl ict situation in his collective, since analysis of the experience will allow the head of the division to evaluate behaviors of the opposing parties, as well as his own activities, and then optimize the algorithm for the confl ict regulation among the staff. Keywords: staff, Road Police Inspection, professional, collective, confl ict, deformation, head, favorable, prophylactics, prevention
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