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Philosophy and Culture

Chesnov, Ya. V. Hermeneutics of Knowledge in National Culture (Special Theory of Anthropocenosis)

Abstract: The author of the article describes the process of anthropocenosis by the means of national culture in order to define the role of the two forms of primordial knowledge, locus knowledge and itinerary knowledge. Special attention is paid to the phenomenon of the name (identity). It turns out that this phenomenon lies in the basis of both the archaic thinking and modern scientific thinking. A particular case of naming is silence. Silence characterizes national culture more than speaking. Silence is associated with a special type of primordial knowledge that structures the process of anthropocenosis. Research methodology includes the hermeneutic method that involves exposition (fixation – description), understanding and interpretation and finally, explanation (in our case, determination of anthropocenosis). Modern humanitarian theory usually involves analysis of a macro community like state institution, civilization and etc. It does not touch upon the intimate human world while the author of the present article uses it as the main focus of hermeneutic analysis. At the end of the article the author makes quite an unexpected conclusion: the structure of the archaic knowledge is identical to the modern structure of science.


anthropocenosis, national culture, knowledge, archaic character, community of practice, the Golden Age, ethnos, customs, conscience, name (identity).

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