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Philosophy and Culture
Yurkevich, E. V., Leschev, S. V. (2014). Convergent Causality: Information Interactions in Biological Systems. Philosophy and Culture, 3, 339–349.
Yurkevich, E. V., Leschev, S. V. Convergent Causality: Information Interactions in Biological SystemsAbstract: The article is devoted to epistemological and ontological aspects of the problem of biological causality originating from a broad convergent interpretation of the nature of information and interaction between living objects. The authors focus on cognitive differentiations that relate to the strategies of perceiving and presenting information. The authors also describe particular features of information influences at the level of formation of causal connections between the source and the receiver (due to the non-objective nature of information media) and the process of perceiving messages. The results of researching the biogenesis of the ‘parasite-host’ system are generalized based on the example where parasites are bacterial nanoforms and the host is the epithelium of fish. Based on methodological approaches to construction of nano-bio-info-cognitive technologies, the authors of the article view a number of general issues of determinism as well as particular issues of formation of the cause-and-effect relations. This new interpretation of the framework of categories created the grounds for further determination of special features of communication causality. The authors of the article also try to compare the cause-and-effect patterns in the material world to their information equivalent. By using the three-level model of information influence offered by the authors, they define special features of the biogenesis in the ‘parasite-host’ system. The two-side nature of the causal connections is viewed as the most important condition for sustainable genesis of biological objects. Keywords: convergent nature of information, model of information interactions, nano-bio-info-cognitive technologies, cause-and-effect relations, biological causality, colony of parasite, parasite-host, logic of the purposes of a living object, system adaptation, biogenesis sustainability.
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