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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
А.V. Маnoylo (2014). Armed rebellion in Ukraine could be the last wake-up call to Russia. SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1, 51–56.
А.V. Маnoylo Armed rebellion in Ukraine could be the last wake-up call to RussiaAbstract: Today the attention of the world is focused on the events in Ukraine. Cruelty and uncompromising in struggle having overgrown in a time so short from separate clashes of hooligans and police in organized armed rebellion can not be ignored – street fighting in the capital of the neighboring state, where representatives of the Slavic people inextricably linked historically with the Russian people take their part, can not but disturb the public, government and the leadership of the Russian Federation. Ukrainian nationalists balancing on the edge of ramming attack put on the acting government call the events “revolution”, though in fact it can be considered only as a coup, armed rebellion to seize power, well known in the present-day world under the common title “a color revolution”. And it\’s not just a random conclusion: in the Ukraine events we can discern signs all of us had met with in color revolutions in the CIS, Georgia, Central Asia, in the orange madness that spread over the Ukraine at the beginning of the two thousands, as well as during the recent revolutions of the Arab Spring. Keywords: the international relations, the international safety, political conflicts, conflicts management technologies, conflicts management models, psychological operations, information war, politica, interests, UN.
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