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Pedagogy and education
Petrigina, V. A. (2013). John Dewey’s Pragmatic Pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 4, 326–335.
Petrigina, V. A. John Dewey’s Pragmatic PedagogyAbstract: The article is devoted to the stages in development of pedagogical ideas of John Dewey in the educational environment of Russia and foreign countries. The author of the article underlines the importance of John Dewey’s ideas for modern education and describes modern methods that are based on John Dewey’s ideas – Dalton plan and project method. In conclusion the author describes why John Dewey’s theories have declined and modern education have come back to the class-and-lesson system. Today John Dewey’s ideas are becoming very important for Russian pedagogy due to the reformation of education in Russia and development of progressive education. Because of the development of the democratic society in our country, personal competence is important again. Person-centered technologies of development have taken a special place among all kinds of approaches and new pedagogical technologies. New values that have been formed under the influence of the educational crisis formed the basis for interpretation of a new educational paradigm offered by John Dewey. John Dewey’s methods were mostly aimed at formation of independent thinking and intellectual development. All these conditions have made the system of education offered by John Dewey quite important for the Russian educational environment. Keywords: Dalton plan, project method, pedagogical ideas, pragmatic pedagogy, pragmatic philosophy, progressive pedagogy, school of progressivism, free up-bringing, career education, values.
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