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Pedagogy and education

Khovov, O. B. Inclusion of Konstantin Ushinsky’s Scientific Activity into European Historical and Pedagogical Process

Abstract: A new branch of fine art that had appeared in the 30s of the XXth century and had been called Post-Modernism turned out to be an intuitive forecast of genius artists predicting the shift in cultural and historical epochs. Philosophers who were no less genius that artists studied personal characters, defined the requirements of the forecasted future towards a human being and offered new concepts and theories of education. Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky was one of such founders of pedagogy in Russia. The subject matter of the present research article is the model of the development of teaching and the theory of up-bringing offered by Konstantin Ushinsky viewed from the point of view of the development of the historical pedagogical process in Europe. The researcher analyzes historical, philosophical, scientific, pedagogical and cultural literature on the matter and uses the method of theoretical modeling along with the system analysis. Such approach allows to define cultural and historical cycles of development of the European civilization. The researcher also describes patterns of creation and development of new pedagogical ideas on raising ‘a new human’ that appeared right before the shift in cultural and historical epochs of development of the European civilization. The list of philosophers who offered new ideas regarding raising the human of the future culture included Konstantin Ushinsky.


pedagogical anthropology, Ushisnky, developmental teaching, aim of up-bringing, modernism project, educational concepts, activity, moral development, cognition, creation.

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