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Pedagogy and education

Skorkin, O. A. Creating the Humanitarian Components in Technical Higher Education Facilities

Abstract: As the information streams radically increase, the processing and realizing mechanisms change as well, as an important part of education that follows ever-changing social realities. The education ideology, subliminal setting of goals towards unified common tasks, which is guided by governments as clients who order products with middle and high-level education, reflect the importance of humanitarian parts of overall organized common learning. Humanitarian sciences are not only a way to familiarize oneself with the achievements of human culture but also are an educational core when it comes to common sense and cultural thought. The author brings up reflective arguments the overall meaning of humanitarian and general world-view disciplines (like astronomy in school, philosophy and social sciences in higher educational facilities with technical, mathematical or physics direction) and brings up a spectre of meta-problems in relation to current changes in the modern educational system in this country. The lack of political will to ensure that deprives metalevel significant advantages of the education – to become a person and a good citizen of his country.


World view, humanitarian sciences, personality, mission, anthropology, cultural studies, society, information technology, contemporaneity.

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