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Taxes and Taxation
Ansimova, E. P. (2014). Method for Evaluating Tax Burden of Gas-Supply Companies. Taxes and Taxation, 3, 320–335.
Ansimova, E. P. Method for Evaluating Tax Burden of Gas-Supply CompaniesAbstract: The object of the present research article is the methods used for evaluating tax burden of economic entities in the sphere of gas supply as well as the tax burden in the economic sector where the fuel gas is being produced and distributed. The technical approach to evaluating tax burden of gas supply companies that means plain calculation of the ratio of the total tax amount to be paid to the budget to the total revenue does not provide any additional information except for accounting results. The purpose of the present article is to create and substantiate the method of objective estimation of tax burden of gas supply companies. Research methodology used in the article includes the following methods: deduction, induction, synthesis, analysis, comparison, generalization and mathematical modeling. Conclusion: objective estimation of tax burden of legal entities in the sphere of gas supply involves determination of the severity of fiscal burden. In order to achieve the aforesaid goal, the author of the article had to solve a number of problems. Determination of the level of tax burden of a gas supply company implies evaluation of the influence of actions to perform obligations and realize taxpayers’ rights on the current and future financial status of an economic entity. In the algorithm used for determination of the severity of fiscal burden on gas supply companies, special role is given to identification of the degree of negative impact of tax relations on a taxpayer’s investing activity. To evaluate tax burden of an economic entity in the sphere of gas supply, it is also important to compare parameters of tax burden to the fiscal burden on the sector in general, on a particular constituent of the Russian Federation and individual gas supply c ompanies. Keywords: gas supply, gasification, tax burden, investing activity, financial sustainability, Gross Regional Product, added value, proceeds, total revenue, effectiveness of production activity.
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