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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Goncharova, S. Yu. (2014). Intentionality of Consciousness as a Biological Feature of Brain. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 3, 295–303.
Goncharova, S. Yu. Intentionality of Consciousness as a Biological Feature of BrainAbstract: The article is devoted to the definition of intentionality offered by John Searle as the corner stone of his philosophy. The main idea of Searle’s theory of intentionality is that intentionality should be defined in terms of natural science just like consciousness. According to the philosopher, scientific definition of intentionality would allow to solve a great number of important philosophical issues. Our mind has different forms of intentionality, perception and intentional action being the basic forms and linguistic acts deriving from these basic forms. Since the research analysis is oriented at solving a particular issue, i.e. the main purpose of research is to study intentionality as a feature of brain, in particular, to provide a definition of intentionality from the point of view of the representative of English analytical philosophy John Searle. For this purpose, the author of the article used the method of historical reenactment. This method is based on the analysis of philosophical concepts that are directly related to the topic. John Searle’s approach to intentionality involves the definition of consciousness as a natural biological phenomenon. However, unlike other phenomena of the kind, consciousness is the subjective phenomenon that, at the same time, can influence physiological processes. In his theory of intentionality John Searle admitted that he was both an internalist, realist and follower of Gottlob Frege. John Searle believed the subjective qualitative aspect to be the most fundamental in the concept of mentality and used the term ‘intentionality’ for describing the subclasses of mental states that are typically object-oriented. Keywords: Searle, intentionality, feature of brain, intentional content, mental states, illocutionary force, orientation, correspondence, execution conditions, mental representation, possible world.
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