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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kiyaschenko, N. I. The Tortures of Spiritual Communication

Abstract: The subject matter of research is the phenomenon of non-communicability of public communications in modern culture as a consequence of the lack of true spirituality therein. The society of the 20th century first perceived and valued the phenomenon of public communications only as the effect of scientific and technological development. Mass media has given us an opportunity to manage the news flow. From this point of view, mass media effectiveness and psychology of perception are becoming the most important issues. Little by little this topic is becoming surrounded by new psychological and ‘socio-dynamic’ models of cultural information processes. However, it is also becoming apparent that being the main source of formation of world views and values, mad media blocks the access to true spirituality and cultural traditions. The author of the present research article uses the method of historical comparison of the old and current traditions associated with the phenomenon of public communications. The author also provides the phenomenological analysis of philosophical sources. The novelty and scientific importance of research is that the author describes the process of public communications in terms of spirituality. Moreover, the author focuses of challenges or ‘tortures’ of the communication process. The author also analyzes the ideas and theories introduced by famous modern philosophers and cultural researchers and describes paradoxes of public communications that eventually lead to the absurd and non-communicability.


philosophy, public communications, spirituality, information, culture, scientism, techniques, popular culture, anonymity, myths.

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