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International Law and International Organizations
Shinkaretskaya, G.G. (2014). The International Criminal Court:
an evaluation attempt. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 88–95.
Shinkaretskaya, G.G. The International Criminal Court: an evaluation attemptAbstract: The article is devoted to the activities of the International Criminal Courts, some aspects of its activities, judicial proceedings and efficiency. The author considers that currently the ICC is a large and influential judicial body, and it has a range of unique features. One of such features is presence of a Prosecutor, and such a position is not present in any other international court. The Prosecutor implements the legal framework of the Roman Statute as well as The Rules of Procedure and Evidence in order to guarantee the most efficient development of the investigation and judicial proceedings of the ICC cases, as well as to other working methods. The immediate task of the Prosecutor is to guarantee justice and efficiency throughout the spheres of work of the ICC. The ICC probably would not be capable of working without the Prosecutor and his Office. The author pays attention to a defect influencing the efficiency of the ICC activities concerning hardships in collection of evidence and investigation on mass crimes. Keywords: international law, international court, the UN, efficiency, judicial proceedings, history, Prosecutor, judicial decision, precedent, process.
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