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National Security

Lyubimova, T.M., Danilova, A.A. Linguistic security of a person, society and state within the modus of linguistic conflict studies.

Abstract: The object of studies in this article includes factors, tendencies and structure of the multi-dimensional matter of linguistic conflict studies. The article concerns various dimensions of linguistic conflict studies (claims in court against mass media for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, fighting linguistic aggression, obscene language, conscience manipulation with hidden insertions, suggestive techniques and NLP-programming in the mass media, expertise in order to establish authors, uncovering dubious interpretations of legislative acts) in their genetic link with the legal hermeneutics and linguistic pragmatics, and also from the standpoint of linguistic security of a person, society and state. Linguistic expertise is regarded as one of the instruments for the guarantees of linguistic security. The authors used dialectic method of studies together with comparative historical method, hermeneutic and methodological approaches. Definition of linguistic security was previously used only in respect of activities of printed and electronic mass media, while in this article its understanding is broadened to the scale of threats to person, society and state, since it is implemented in the diapason from the micro-level of individual conscience influenced by the “propaganda ABC” to the mega-level of inadequate understanding of international legal documents by the mass conscience.


linguistic expertise, conflict studies, linguistic security, linguistic pragmatics, legal hermeneutics, invective lexis, conscience manipulation, suggestive, hidden insertions, neuro-linguistic programming.

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