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National Security
Ledeneva, V.Y. (2014). Multicultural aspects and problems of fighting extremism in the modern conditions. National Security, 2, 207–216.
Ledeneva, V.Y. Multicultural aspects and problems of fighting extremism in the modern conditions.Abstract: The article concerns the main causes and problems regarding prophylactics of extremism. There is a considerable discord regarding a logical definition of extremism due to its multifaceted complicated nature, and it is hard to involve all of its elements within the same definition and not to make its interpretation overbroad. The author analyzes the legislatively provided categorical apparatus, while noting that the legislative definitions of extremism are overbroad, allowing to recognize as extremist activities a large number of state bodies, political parties and social organizations. The main causes of extremist crimes are the absence of tolerance towards other nations and religions in some categories of people, spread of ideas of religious and racial superiority among the youth, as well as Nazi ideas and values, social stratification. The author uses the analysis of statistical data and proves that the further steps in the legislative development require scientifically substantiated methodology for fighting extremism, providing an integral idea of extremism. There is need to develop a systemic evaluation of the real condition of the Russian legislation on the issues of terrorism prophylactics. The novelty of the scientific work is due to the methodological explanation of novel technologies in political management of extremism prophylactics and the need to develop the state system for the management of risks in the sphere of extremism manifestations. Development and introduction of new technologies shall allow to raise the threshold of state administration at a new level of quality of organization. In order to introduce the relevant technologies there is need for a large amount of studies regarding automatizing of the system, clarification and evaluation of the elements of degrees of risk of extremism manifestation, development of methods for the monitoring and evaluation of the risks of appearance of situation, methods for defining the complexes of prophylactic measures for every degree of risk. In addition, there is need for the studies for the approbation of the sub-systems and system as a whole in pilot regions (territories) of the state. Keywords: extremism, multicultural conflicts, public security concept, prophylactics, migration relations, national security, types of extremism, federal law, political administration, new administration technologies.
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