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Taxes and Taxation

Chub, D. V., Fomin, A. A. Tax Mediation: Experience of France

Abstract: The subject matter of the research article is the mediation as a special method of pretrial resolution of tax disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities. The authors of the article provide a general description of tax mediation and define its main forms and procedures common in France. French experience in this sphere has a very important meaning for the Russian taxation system because current changes in the Russian system of arbitration proceedings dictate the need for creation of new institutions of pre-trial resolution and mediation can become one of such institutions. When working on this research article, the authors used the general scientific method of dialectic knowledge as well as logical methods (analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction), comparative law and linguistic methods and the method of ‘live cognition’. The scientific novelty of the article is conditioned by the fact that for the present time this research article is the first one in Russian science to study the procedures of tax mediation in France. The authors conclude that mediation as the way to resolve tax disputes is a good alternative to the present system of pre-trial appeal to Russian tax authorities. Mediation proves to be efficient. It would allow to avoid a waste of time and financial expenses which would be beneficial for both a taxpayer and the government.


mediation, mediator, mediation process, status of a mediator, mediation agreement, taxpayer, tax authority, tax dispute, Mediator of the Republic, mediation in France.

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